Writing and other imperfections

3 min readSep 13, 2020


Putting up a blog or two in a month does not make one a writer unless that is what they decide to be known as. The first time I decided to write on a social media platform, I was sure that it would be a terrible one. Guess what? It was. But it was also liberating. Till then I assumed only people with beautiful and superfluous vocabulary can tune in with the words and make others dance to their tunes. However that day, it felt comforting to realise that words do not belong to any group of people to be twisted and turned and made to look attractive. They are universal, for they neither existed in their present form earlier nor will they be used by those who live after us twenty million years from now. So it is imperative to understand the boundaries of one single human life and create as much mess as we are capable of during that unless it contributes to climate change because that is a scary devil.

The world knows us only by looking at the things we do or by learning about the things we wish to tell. In some unfortunate cases, it gets to know a tiny bit from the treasure trove of many of our secrets. So Readers, are you the person the world knows about or are you the person who’s many stories the world will never hear? Before going public on my write ups, I had read many blogs, each with varied nuances, like a niche of their own. I never really got used to this idea since I had not come across anybody who I thought wrote with their heart and not just the head. I don’t mean to sound crass, because it was a shortcoming on my end, for I could not find the many women and men who connected with strangers in mere 500 words or so. Yet the times were good and my chakras were aligned I guess because I chanced upon a beautiful person from the inside out on a social media platform whose writings left an essence of nature and the feeling of seeking for the lost. At that moment, I instantly knew what kind of thoughts I want to write and talk about and never get tired of doing it. If I can credit someone to ignite the fire and keep my spirits alive, it will not just be the many self help guides I had taken comfort in, rather to that one person who weaved words as intricately as the pashmina shawl and who dictated the principles of human emotions in the most purest and simplest form, known and understood by all.

Freedom of speech is such an essential element to preserve the diversity of the world. Giving people the right to convey how they want to change the world in their 50 years of existence is what our ancestors failed to imagine and look how they are doing now. I will not say we are living a better life than them in comparison to the lifestyles, but we are able to physically put our thoughts on paper or digitally more so, thereby making our emotions a tangible element in the real world which did not happen earlier. For had we held that thought inside our minds, it may have never seen the light of another day and be lost into space forever, without a meaning. At least by having a right to express, we can govern our lives to an extent it feels right to us without depriving others of the same. So what are you going to write about today?

Until next time, Readers ❤





Exploring life with one book, one place, one movie, one moment, one nap and two cups of tea at a time. Dear Reader, I simply pen down ideas that pop in my head.

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