Truth is a lie we believe in
Hello Readers. I was hoping to find a more subtle and suitable title for this post but it is hard to concentrate on the aesthetics when crisis breaks out in our lives. The title may give you an illusion that something dramatic has occurred that necessarily needs to be conveyed from my end. But even if there was, the kind of person I am or the person I long to be keeps away the stuff that matters the most from the public eye for as long as it is humanely possible from someone’s end because information is more expensive than fossil in the modern day. I have noticed a thing or two during my incessant scrolling through social media pages and I am more than eager to tell you about my thoughts even if you already know it from within.
When we needlessly put out tons of information on our feed or make our gram look more glamorous by keeping up with the twisted senseless robotic algorithms, we are silently being attacked on two fronts. Firstly, there are one kind of people who show themselves as someone that they are far from being in real life. They paint a story so intriguing for their audience that is too perfect to believe. The second kind are those who put out so much information about their real self that they are literally bombarded with opinions and suggestions that it makes it difficult for them to separate the good from the bad. It is not possible to judge someone from one reply or one considerate text, that they too share the same line of thinking as us or, that they genuinely are concerned for our good. In a world where the equation of family is constantly going through a change that is not necessarily socially welcoming in all aspects, where people we have spent years with can change colours within a matter of seconds, where love is secondary and all our whims needs to be fulfilled before it, it is evident that we cannot judge people by the reality they portray after being screened thought multiple checks and over it adding innumerable filters that wipes away the little truth that is there to be heard or seen.
I am not here to debate on the pros and cons of social media. Although we have had a long fought discussion in primary school on the same given its growing relevance in modern day’s time, I have the least interest in delving into that topic at the moment. When you realize what is good and bad, even if not in the real sense, even if at least in a way that could explain the way things work in the present day, you would be more disconnected from the reality than you expect. There is a longing inside us to change the things we are passionate about. But when we acquire the knowledge about it and see how things are performing, way below the average expectation of the most ignorant people collectively, there is a sense of disappointment that drifts us away from helping others realise the same truth as us. But again what is truth? The truth what you see may be something that I am incapable of seeing. Or the truth that you feel may be something that I might have no idea that it exists. Relativity in thoughts gives away the force that we could have created. But nature is way smarter than all of us combined. It never supports just one and if it does allow one to rule it is not for very long. It tries to restore the balance in a way we may hesitate and protest but it unflinchingly does it anyway as though it punishes us for being who we are and showing itself as who it is. The earlier you bow down the better you get protected. The later you realise the worse you get treated.
I know I drifted away from what I was saying but my chain of thoughts do not care about the English language nor do they find any relevance in the way I handle the articulation. All they know and understand is the things I feel and suppress for those are what makes us who we are. We are not what the world sees us as. Nor are we those that we think we are. We are hopeful mortals who avoid pain as better as we can because bravery leaves a trail of wounds that leaves a scar for the rest of our time. We can surely overcome it by caring for it in the best away yet it cannot undo what has already been damaged.
I am not sure what was the purpose of my blog because I guess I just wanted to write something since it has been long I had not typed and my brain becomes restless when it does not get an outing to vent out the anger and fear that dwells deep down locked away and forgotten in uncharted memories. I hope Readers, that you find bits and pieces of truth in what I convey for it is difficult to pinpoint what is absolute in an uncertain world. The world is a hypocrite and so are the people living in it, you and me included. We believe in something now and then we disbelieve in that later and maybe we are neutral about the same after some more time. The only truth that remains is how we feel, for that is something that cannot be measured, or be placed on a pedestal unlike our desires and fears. The feelings and emotions are the strongest forces of nature for they make us do the unthinkable while at the same time being completely hidden in their true form from the world. May be the absolute truth is what we cannot see but all that we feel and keep just to ourselves.
Until next time, Readers ❤