The Last Color
Hello Readers. There are very few moments when you feel something very deeply and you realize it is a moment of truth, yet before you have lived your thought entirely, you sit to pen down your thoughts because with each fleeting moment you know the feeling will fade away too. So you preserve the moment forever in the form of words, to relive just a bit of it later.
I just completed watching this movie, The Last Color, which is same as the title of my blog. I rarely share my favorite things on social media because I do not want people to know me very closely than it is necessary. The things we like is what makes us who we are and I believe I want to share it with only those who are special to me. Yet there are other times when things that deeply touches us and opens our mind and perspective like no other, in those moments I find a little clarity and wish to empower anyone who might come across my thoughts through my writings.
In a world where we do not know how to maintain the correct social conduct, how to treat people better, how to communicate with the ones that mean so much more than we could ever explain it to them, it is disheartening. I will talk less about the movie I mentioned because you can find all the information on it with a single search. The emotions that I felt after I watched it are what matters more to me. I felt the loss of someone and no matter how much time passes away, it could never fill that void where they once lived. I take every loss deeply, way more than we are supposed to. Or maybe it is the case with everyone and they do not share it with the rest of us like I do. Nevertheless, the reason I never fully recover from such losses is because I have never been able to emotionally occupy that space with someone else. With time the hurting is less yet it still remains. With time new people uplift our spirits and keep us engaged yet in manners unknown to me, they could never be like them. I know they are not supposed to imitate any other being, but even if they had that intention to do so, they would fail miserably.
I guess what I really want to write about is that, the unnecessary social boundaries that has been thrusted upon us without any of our knowledge is so destructive yet it keeps the world going, even if in a wrong way. I do not know what is necessary or what is not. But I do know the superficial social conduct that we have in our society, not just in India but elsewhere too, in ways much different than ours, has only made us less aware of discovering our own self. It may be harmful to one and be profitable to another. May be it is the way how nature builds itself through years or may be it is not. But it definitely is something that does not help us discover the truth. The truth that we as animals, although civilized, are entitled to discover on our own, slips away from us every time we create barriers in the name of protecting our self. To discard the unwanted is noble. To control our desires is admirable. But to restrict the self is untruthful.
Until next time, Readers ❤