The battle within ourselves
Hello Readers,
It has been quite some time since I poured my heart out here. I hope my blog finds you all in the best of health because we might be tempted to take few people in our lives for granted but may we never ever talk about our health in vain.
What do you do to hold on to your character when things around you are falling apart while you are presented with the most tempting of choices that might not be right for you at the moment but can certainly be credited as a good escape? I think our character builds as we face more and more challenging situations that does not have all the answers in black and white but sometimes forces us to choose neither.
Readers, I will not talk in metaphors since it is neither one of my best qualities nor is it useful. What I wish to tell you Readers is that, when life presents a challenging situation where you are tempted and are likely to falter, look for the long term rewards over the short term pleasures. You can choose to look the other way too but then you also have to live with the consequences of letting go of the long term fortunes.
Easy decisions are often made in a hurry while the difficult ones truly help us in rising above and leading a distinguished path. I hope you choose your battles wisely to fight because no matter what the choice is, we all have to take responsibility of the consequences of it. Blame game seldom has helped anyone escape a foul situation let alone paved the way for personal growth.
Until next time, Readers❤️