People, ideologies and our relationships with them

3 min readMar 14, 2022


Hello Readers. How many times have you come across a saying which says that you are better matched to be with someone with whom you share similar interests? And how many times have you come across a contradicting quote from the above saying that opposite souls attract each other? Does it even make sense to live in a world that claims two opposite thing as true? Is it even possible to choose one between the two?

I have come across such quotes many times and honestly after a while every time it crossed while scrolling through pages, it seemed like it is intentionally barking at me just to annoy. To this day I have not been able to hold the idea in my head because whenever I chose to go with one it meant cutting off people from my life who did not fit in the other category even if they were good to me. Does it make any sense to be unfair? I guess that’s what we do when we are confused or misled by anonymous sources.

It is food for thought when you question these ideologies. To tell my part of the story, I do not believe in either of these completely because they set off in extreme trajectories. And one thing that I have learnt so far in life is that it is impossible to thrive in such extreme situations. Either you will lose your mind or you will make someone else lose their’s. Peace lies in moderation and life happens in the intersection of the above two ideologies.

There are so many things to consider while answering such questions. Amongst all of them the one that holds the most value to me is how firmly you stand with your value system and how well you allow your morals to guide you in life. While it is important for course corrections; by changing things that downplay or degrade, but it must be restricted to those changes only. You do not have to let go of all your values just because a few of them became irrelevant with time. Like human beings our values too are resilient. Once you allow them to be a part of your life they instantly adapt themselves to the changes without losing their essence. I think this is the most important thing that we ought to be on the lookout for rather than hanging our beliefs on loose ends that have no foundation.

As we grow up Readers we realise how such extreme statements do not add much value to our lives. You can be completely different from someone yet you can bond the most emotionally with them. Or you may have someone in your life who enjoys doing the same things as you and you both hit it off like never before. Both of these scenarios are possible – not because you chose to follow one ideology over the other but because you found a person who consciously decided to stay and make it better. In a globalised world, it is as important to stand our unique grounds as it is to accept overlapping virtues of two or more ideologies. Seldom there is black and white when it comes to human relationships and we must not even try to confine it within those superficial cages. Because even if you try to do that it will break free one day.

Until next time, Readers❤️





Exploring life with one book, one place, one movie, one moment, one nap and two cups of tea at a time. Dear Reader, I simply pen down ideas that pop in my head.

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