Love is not a cliche

4 min readMay 23, 2021


Credits : Parmita Mohanty ❤

Hello Readers. I hope my post finds you well. Some person who regularly reads my posts has expressed their disappointment in me because I was not helpful to them in a certain way they had expected me to be. Previously I thought it is a waste of my time to engage and give explanation to someone I know nothing about, precisely because of which I refrained from calling out that person. But as you know I speak my mind when I have to and there are no rules that can convince me from doing otherwise. I want to make it clear for once and for all, you need to understand that I am not obliged to any of you for my time or efforts. If you are in need of help, kindly approach people who are better equipped and are in a much better position than I am in so that they are at least capable of trying fairly for your needs. I understand if someone is going through a bad time. We all do. However that is no excuse for bad behavior and honestly accusing me sarcastically for your situation will not make your circumstances any easier. So the next time you think of ranting out your mind on someone else’s profile who does not even know you, remember they owe you nothing but good wishes may be. Even they would not wish the latter on you if you simply go ahead and be an asshole to them for no reason whatsoever.

Let’s return to the title Readers. How common it is to see someone in love these days? Or how often you hear about someone’s break up story and think to yourself that it is just another person going through the same melodrama every other person who is crazy experiences? I think people want to feel passionately for something so that it hugs them back with the same enthusiasm. What do you make of this quote, ‘’Money can buy things, but money can’t buy everything’’? Things last when you put efforts to keep them properly but will things love you back the way you do to them? Presently even with all the modern inventions, there is nothing that can match the passion that burns in the heart of a human. Or maybe any living creature.

Things are be replaceable. So are humans too when they age isn’t it? Yes humans can be easily replaced, but not by their fellow humans but by the generation that would come after them. You see, I am not talking about the employment perspective here. In work, any person who has a perspective and knowledge about things has a value, irrespective of their gender, age, caste or any other feature that could be used to describe them. But our emotional space is governed very differently than our work life. Even when sometimes things seem bizarre and ridiculously dangerous, we do give it a benefit of doubt barring all rationality that is known to us. There are some energies that are triggered even if it makes the least of all sense. So you see Readers, as much as you argue and fight me for thinking like this, people are actually not that easily replaceable. Each one of us has a different mindset, an upbringing that has shaped it or our experiences in life that has moulded our beliefs in a certain way. When you add all these, there are not many with whom we can find our comfort zone, our safe space. And when that person walks away from your life, even though there are 7.8 billion humans on the planet, only a few would share the same energy and passion as you and that’s what makes the separation brutal, unkind and hurtful. It’s one thing to realise you do not have enough resources and look for alternatives, and completely a different thing to accept that there is scarcity in even exploring our options.

People who say love is blind are not stupid. I do not encourage the idiosyncrasies that people do when they madly shut their eyes to the red flags that comes their way and then blame it all on luck and destiny or even worse, on some other person. When you feel differently about someone, you let go of a lot of expectations that you would have otherwise had for someone else in that place. It’s not really a compromise but rather accepting the reality that suits us well at the moment. But you do see my point right? People letting go of something for someone. For how many people would you be both able to and willing to do this? As uneasy as it might sound, not many would do this for you and you wouldn’t do this for many either. It’s not about choosing the right people Readers. There is no such concept as right or wrong people according to me. There are just people with whom you bond and with whom you do not. The fact that making mistakes will make you better at reading people is also very redundant. The real world concepts do not act well when you apply those on an emotional level. Our intuition to do the right thing will always triumph any logic no matter how many feathers in has to itself. The only takeaway I would like you Readers to have is that, the next time you see someone in love, just appreciate. It’s does not always happen, that two people are willing to let go of each of their expectations for the other and honestly it is one of the most beautiful things in the world..

Until next time, Readers ❤





Exploring life with one book, one place, one movie, one moment, one nap and two cups of tea at a time. Dear Reader, I simply pen down ideas that pop in my head.

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