Loss and Love

3 min readSep 15, 2021


Even the wisest and bravest of us tend to get drawn towards the softer side of love. Many great men and women before us have written and told us through their lives, that life goes on and the living carries on with it. No matter how huge the burden of hopelessness and disappointment strikes us, we get back up in a while with our head held high and with that our hopes as huge as the sky. This is not just applicable to our tender hearts that get hurt from time to time, but you can relate it with the bigger picture when you take into account the ongoing Covid situation. A lot of things seemed like out of our reach and many times our hopes was shattered. Nonetheless, with love and loss, we learnt something and we built ourselves with a little strength and a little softness than before.

I wish things were simple enough to just go through. At times even when we know what we are supposed to do, the task at hand seems so insurmountable, that no matter what advice we receive it still seems impossible to do. Bad times take a lot from us. They do give back the lessons, but they do take away a little piece of our innocence because of which we are bound to do the adulting shit everyone hates. Not to sound so negative Readers, but if we do not have the ability to express the feelings that are genuine in order to simply mask a face and pretend that we are strong as a rock at all times, it simply questions our authenticity and reflects how poorly we are managing our situation. Even the good ones have bad days and no matter how much you try to hide or suppress it, the picture is not very pretty. It is as realistic and as bold as our emotions are and that’s what makes the bearing more tough.

I hope Readers that you are all doing fine. It has been some time since I have written something but when the cloud of agony looms over your head for a time that keeps on getting stretched instead of bringing some relief, it is hard to find something to appreciate and put it out here. I think we have to carry on just through it. The only hope that you can have Readers is the hope from yourself alone because at the end of the day no matter how many people are there by your side cheering you up or holding you down, unfortunately you are the only one who has to do the bearing. My only piece of advice to you Readers is that take up only that much of something that you believe you have the ability to tolerate. Life is so uncertain that at every turning there can be two ways; one good and the other bad. Just try to be mindful of what you do so that even when the unfortunate happens then you have the strength to come out of it as soon as possible. And as to the daredevils, who aspire a lot and want great things, I hope you get all that you desire but always keep an eye out for things taking a turn for the bad. Do not go gentle into that good night, old age should burn and rave at close of day, rage rage against the dying of the light.

Until next time, Readers ❤





Exploring life with one book, one place, one movie, one moment, one nap and two cups of tea at a time. Dear Reader, I simply pen down ideas that pop in my head.

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