Just an observation

2 min readJun 23, 2021


Highway to Heaven

Beautiful lines run through their bodies
All complementing one another,
It’s an observation and not a fact
As it takes only a perception to accept any defeat.

I do not care about what the world has to offer
Even though it manipulates and struggles with all its lies,
To justify a glory that is hard to reach
Since these stubborn crooked are never contended with just enough of anything.

For once I want to feel
Without being subjugated to your market policies,
Because I do not find myself always in the black or the white
But in the lines that colour my world grey and pink.

Looking at the captivating sky
With clouds that turn blue from black,
The wind makes a peculiar noise
That is similar to the one I hear in my own head.

All the men and women who have so much to offer
All the goodness in their hearts and the sweet talks they never seem to get over,
I wonder how hypocritical people are
To be justifying the things their character knows nothing of.

When I speak my mind I feel the need to apologize,
Even when I am not rude I feel guilty,
Is this a by product of the years of being conditioned by the society?
Because why do I feel I will be held in contempt even though I have done nothing wrong?

To set a precedent for the generations yet to come
Many harbour such grandeur imaginations in their heart,
I wonder if we are truly living in harmony with the self and with others
Since we are too occupied to please someone who won’t even know of us.

I ask those who want to be limitless in life to step away from my posts
It would do nothing but to irritate and humble you down,
Go toil through the night and burn that midnight oil in your favour
I don’t care as long as you do it out of your selfish nature.

You want me to believe the truth you project
Instead of believing the reality I witness,
I am to take your word and believe in your lies
When all you do is run away at the thought of a friendly confrontation and give me that nasty sigh.

I don’t want to be apologetic for being myself
It’s the least I can ask for in the name of freedom,
I have no intention to make someone go through a change of heart
When I have not been able to do it in all these years.

Until next time, Readers ❤





Exploring life with one book, one place, one movie, one moment, one nap and two cups of tea at a time. Dear Reader, I simply pen down ideas that pop in my head.

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