I dreamt of a cat even though I have never seen one

3 min readMay 3, 2021


Not my hand but what beautiful lines! Of the squirrel I mean.

Hello Readers. I hope my post finds you well. And if it does not, then I hope it gets better for you sooner than you can imagine.

Sitting at home with nothing much to do and with no job to get you worried and all worked up to complete a task makes you feel detached from the rest of the people around. I remember the last time I felt the thrill of chase was when I had to complete our final year project to be eligible for a bachelor’s degree in engineering. The frustration of not reaching up to the desired number of pages even after multiple attempts of increasing the word limit, or putting in unnecessary pictures of the model because quantity over quality is given preference is something I would do it all over again if I had the chance. The thing is, when you see the end, it is easy to hold on to hope. But when the end is unclear and mostly blurry, no matter how clear you are in the head, you feel a rock sitting on your chest, adding all that unwanted pressure where it’s not required.

With the lock downs extending and not being able to meet the people who matter more than we would ever credit them for the value they add in our lives, it does feel like life is slipping away from our hands no matter how great our grip is. I am not complaining, it is the least I will do now after hearing from friends and family of the times they are being tested. You see Readers, I haven’t had much to do in the past one year. Sitting almost idle for near about twelve months when all those time before I used to be occupied with great many things no matter how unimportant, added a sense of satisfaction, a value that seems like a far fetched dream now. When people say they have hobbies, you will either find they have great interest in that subject, or they excel in that sport, or most probably they are making up just to fit in. To feel the most with myself, I took to writing many years before. I see people out there who write in such a fashion that you can almost see it, that they have it in them to produce pieces that breaks all barriers and strikes the right chord with all our wishes and realities. But it’s been a while since I have been out somewhere new and I am afraid if it goes on for too long I will be left with nothing to say.

I will not leave you Readers on a gloomy note because if there is one thing I have learnt well in life, it is to never give up on hope. Maybe you can give up on people when you feel the time is right, but never ever on hope. I have been in circumstances where I knew nothing good could come out of the situation, yet I could never set my mind to think that everything is hopeless. It’s funny when I hear myself say the things I put out there in writing, but then life’s too short to be worried about the judgements people pass on us. I am way too mature to let that shit bother me but sometimes even the bad things get the good of us. Readers, don’t listen to everything I say. It’s mostly random and definitely not fact checked. But if you do risk it, then I assure you that there is truth in all those circumstances mentioned, or at least they are true in my imaginations.

Until next time, Readers ❤





Exploring life with one book, one place, one movie, one moment, one nap and two cups of tea at a time. Dear Reader, I simply pen down ideas that pop in my head.

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