Have faith in the mischief
Adulting is a different kind of high; you cannot expect if you are going to burst out into laughter or tears the next moment but it is mostly accompanied by an assurance that you will not stay messed up for long. Everyone who comes our way does not get to stay and people who stay for a while necessarily do not end up with a happily ever after. The emotional baggage that we intentionally bring upon ourselves when we are still trying to make sense of our youthful days before adulthood turns some into beings who are not hard to comprehend but hard to be touched, spiritually. Humans are notoriously bitchy when things do not go our way and dwelling on the past leaves no room for making mistakes that comes with the age. Childhood me used to decide that I should leave the house at once whenever I got into an argument with my parents. Funny how adult me thinks it is part of the daily chore to ignore the things that does not suit me while still caring for the people who have the best interest for us in their minds.
There comes a time when we get so much clarity about ourselves like never before and that is an eye opener. Until then we wander aimlessly with our aspirations from the self and others but certain situations, good and bad both shape us into persons who are sure of what they are expecting in life. Adulting does not make things easy just because you have a pinch of clarity added to your otherwise clueless life. In fact it makes it even more harder to deal with people because only a few people can match with our vibes. Sometimes we lose even the people with whom we have confided in our secrets and insecurities because they no longer hold the ability to cater to our expectations in life. While that sounds like a difficult thing to deal with, with time it becomes the most essential thing to confront. And that’s why adulthood sucks at times.
I think as I grow up I like it when someone genuinely tells me when I am being a bitch and should stop it. Not that I would appreciate hearing it from any random person. That would only piss my otherwise annoyed mind even more but it does not tingle me as much as it did when I was younger. It gives me a chance to correct myself and nothing gives me more satisfaction that being a better version of myself. In today’s time, when people will not always have your back, Readers it is important to be emotionally equipped with the strength to deal with things maturely. It is not a level that once reached can be sustained. Sometimes we lose our grip but for most times it is absolutely necessary to deal with our problems correctly. It is toxic to give people ultimatums every time when things go south because that way we cannot build a meaningful relationship with anyone. Not even with ourself. Even if you are being wise and keeping yourself safe from emotional entanglements, it does not guarantee that you will hold your sanity for good forever. The world is so fascinating that anything is possible. Literally anything. And it becomes tempting to give in to the devil’s play and act in a way that cannot be taken back. Apologies mean so little to the ones who have been hurt because it does not change anything in their past. Only they have to gather the strength to carry the baggage of the past trauma and unfortunately when not dealt with properly it spills onto the people who are taking a chance on them. I think I have lost my point with too much of life lessons but it is what it is. Life’s a bitch but you do not have to be one. I hope Readers that you find yourself before you find someone else for yourself. See you soon ❤