How wonderful it is to know that promises were kept and honoured without despising the other person even if things took a turning of their own while the human minds continued to walk the extra mile and lived in a space of their own making?
We are survived by the space beneath our feet and above our head. The abiotic component plays too much of an important role in paving the direction of a future we might be unaware of at the present. The human mind is not so ignorant of the contribution that the non living does for it when all it asks for in return is non-interference by the same animal it allows to grow in its yard.
Likewise, humans too credit the non quantifiable a little too much than what rationality permits us. One such immortal and invincible like the higher power that bestows us with the promises of a better tomorrow and the hope of reconciling with a lost one is emotion. From the day we understand the power of words till the day we learn to communicate without it, we treasure our emotions more than our ability necessitates it. We put love on a pedestal and keep it close to our hearts because it forms the base of everything else we associate in our lives from thereon. The survival instinct in the animal world lets us fight for the ones we deem worthy of fighting for, even if it results in sometimes letting go of the myriad other opportunities we could have let ourselves experience instead. The power of the invisible governs our senses and instincts and controls our actions and responses. The thing that cannot be seen or touched helps us to connect with the world.
You and I are particles of dust, landing across plains and plateaus and everywhere else where the wind intends to take us. We do not belong to any place or even to one another. Alone, we are separated and transformed by the external factors that control the way we think, act or play. In an universe full of unknowns we long to be remembered, to take the shape of something else beyond our own self, to leave our imprints for the younger generation to decode the power of persistence and discover how a habitat is not merely a space we live in but also a place left behind by the remnants of the cosmos which you and I are a part of.
Until next time, Readers ❤