Gitanjali (Translated) – The Book

2 min readFeb 24, 2022


Hello Readers. I am a lazy person and I am not even surprised why I miss a lot of my targets that I set enthusiastically. As I had mentioned in my previous blogs, I am here to share a little review about a book that looks cute but did not quite appeal to my senses in the way I had expected.

I picked up a pocket size book of the Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore from the Amazon website. It looks like this and you can use the link below if it interests you to purchase (Not an AD because I am too conscious to be a blogger.)

I had never purchased a poetry book before and hence the only reason I chose to read this is because I have always been interested in reading about the works of Tagore. This poetry book however is a translation of the original Bengali poetry by Tagore. I do not know how people perceive translations but this particular sense of translation in English was on the lines of Shakespearean English ( I have a little idea since we had to study “As you like it” by Shakespeare for our tenth grade board examinations.)

I think poetry appeals to me when I can relate to it and for that to happen it must either relate to the realities of my surroundings or appeal to the figment of my imagination. And you know Readers our imaginations culminate from the absence that our reality presents. Hence anything that feels desirable to us must have a profound base to our fundamental nature and the usage of “thou” or “art” in the above translated book sadly did not relate to my reality. Had it been any other book I could have finished it in one go, but I like my poetry a certain way just how I like my people to be a particular kind.

So Readers, overall if I have to speak for myself (like always), I did not find this book interesting or appealing to me in any sense and hence I did not even bother to complete it. Maybe I would pick it up after a while and read up on the left out text but for now it just is not something that excites me to explore.

Until next time, Readers❤️





Exploring life with one book, one place, one movie, one moment, one nap and two cups of tea at a time. Dear Reader, I simply pen down ideas that pop in my head.

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