Existential Crisis
There are times or more so, there comes phases in life that makes us question the existence of everything around us. It includes from wondering about the trivial aspects such as how the color of a flowering plant across the globe varies to the more serious particulars as to how capable we are to develop our niche. This might not seem like a difficult phase, and maybe it is actually how it shows itself to be. However, constantly living through moments where we do not know what to believe in and losing faith in everyone around us can feel like someone trying to rip off our intestines without an anesthetic. Where do you tread to seek solace and peace of mind when the very walls around you seem to crumble down and choke you from the inside out? We can seek the comfort of self-help guides or chant mantras with our favorite gurus, but only the thing keeping us alive can sustain our sanity at such crucial hours of philosophical crisis and who is better suited to play that role apart from us?
A favorite quote of mine goes, “people don’t change. They become more of who they are”. This is obviously taken from a popular American TV series because binge watching is the only thing both teenagers and adults can relate to without any arguments. One can quote several instances from one’s own life to prove the truth behind the said quote. The way we conducted ourselves as individuals when we were in school seems almost incomparable with our present life. Forget viewing two completely different periods, if you take a moment and think about your school life alone, you will notice how differently you must have behaved as you progressed to the higher grades. Did things around us really change so much or are we constantly developing new perspectives as we grow? The lies of yesterday seem like probable truths of the future and if you look closely, everybody is a little lost. Do we really change while growing up? It is true as some of our behavioral traits are instances of proof suggesting the same. It is even appreciable if someone is able to inculcate new ways of looking at the same thing differently, because change for good is always appreciable and we must not hold it against someone for turning around their life for better. Even though we change, we become better at knowing ourselves. While some search for meaning of the truth, some find meaning in the lies that govern their lives. In the later years of our lives, even though it looks like we are swinging from one branch to the other in search of that one perfect thing, everyone will agree that they have learnt things about themselves they might have thought never existed in them. Pretty little confused world that we live in. But if it provides any comfort to you, it is at least our world isn’t it?
Until next time, Readers ❤