Don’t bury that smile but do run that extra mile
Don’t bury your feelings or yourself so deeply inside a box
That you push someone to their edge
And they give up.
Not only because they are tired of pushing their way through someone
Who intentionally remains emotionally unavailable,
But also because it’s rude and cruel
To step up the tasks just to satisfy your ego
To see how far they will go to fight for you.
Playing mind games is so out dated,
Not to mention its insanely toxic.
It’s not admirable to be scared and feel incapable of owning your feelings,
Simply because you are afraid it might hurt someone else.
When you let the cat out, it has a choice. Either to stay or to leave.
But that decision is not yours to make,
Even if you say out loud just the opposite,
While your actions and intentions spark a different energy altogether.
Do yourself a favour and be brave.
Many can let go of the circumstances and people that have treated them badly,
Or have made them feel less of themselves.
In fact that’s the most sensible and logical thing one should step up and do.
But if you are encouraging someone
Without the intention to even try and match their level of expectations,
Or you are taking advantage of someone’s kindness
Just to satisfy your own ego and fill that hollow
Which was left behind without any care by someone else long ago,
What a stupid person you are!
It’s not always easy for people to fit in when they were never before asked to.
Asking a person to get comfortable without equipping them with the knowledge to do so,
Is like asking them to keep themselves warm on a cold night without lighting a fire.
It’s disappointing how people spare no time to take care of the ones who add value to their lives.
But as all good things come to an add,
A broken one will be the first to make itself out of your way.
It’s always a give and take thing. A two way. A yin to your yang.
If you fall behind, you will be left behind in the past.
You can have things. They have utility.
But to have someone who can bear the burden of a mountain
Even if that makes no sense,
Just to feel closer, to feel at home with you,
You have to do better than simply expressing your unwillingness to do things,
Or your incapability of taking a stand for the right.
Even ages old traditions have been put to an end with time
When it held a lot of importance and carried great value in someone’s beliefs.
Yet they have been stopped entirely. Almost extinct.
So how important do you think you are in someone’s life to be irreplaceable?
And if you are, how often do you run that extra mile?
Until next time, Readers ❤