Acceptance is the way forward

2 min read14 hours ago


If you want to be happy, be.

Hello Readers,

Hope you all have been challenging yourselves to be your respective best versions. Challenges do not always have to be an uphill battle, just adjusting to minor inconveniences to achieve a greater good does the job. Sounds easy to preach, but takes every ounce of self restraint, awareness and esteem to get through.

I always like to write about things I experience myself because I consider my perspectives to be the most valuable only second to the opinions of my family and those whom I hold in very high regard. There were days, weeks and months where hopelessness crept into my daily routine so much that it became difficult to comprehend that there could even exist a light beyond the tunnel. I caressed the delusional to an extent that it made me afraid of even myself! It seems easy to complete these sentences now but sometime not long ago it was difficult to breathe without being afraid of even breath itself.

Readers, what I would like you to know and maybe take away from this is that do not give in to your imaginations so much that they act against you. Be vigil of your thoughts. There is a thin line between optimism and delusion, be mindful of that. I have realised that it is always in my benefit to take set backs in my stride and try and improve wherever possible than be arrogant by giving in to my ego. Ego has destroyed so many bonds, friendships, relationships and ultimately individuals who do not learn how to let it go.

Optimism is a powerful tool, it motivates us, inspires us to march ahead with our head held high. However, accepting the reality, both the good and bad aspects of it gives a real sense of strength. The strength to be able to get through circumstances even when it does not occur in our benefit immediately. Some benefits are reaped from disappointments too, but for that to happen accepting the truth becomes an unavoidable necessity. Either you can make it an uphill battle or humble yourself to prepare better and take on another challenge head on. Choose your hard.

Until next time, Readers❤





Exploring life with one book, one place, one movie, one moment, one nap and two cups of tea at a time. Dear Reader, I simply pen down ideas that pop in my head.

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