A year in review
Hello Readers,
I know I have been away from posting my write ups but I think I have come to an indecisive conclusion as of now. I believe as we grow up there is a certain change in our attitude, a level of maturity that we attain that stops us from over sharing our details in life with the world. I might be wrong but for now this has primarily been the reason as to why I write less and share even lesser with the world. But if it is of any assurance, I can tell you that the way to feel different things has not changed even with the changing circumstances and age.
I wanted this blog post to highlight this year in review but honestly unlike my peers I haven’t been as productive to that extent and hence there are even fewer achievements to share publicly. But if one thing that I would like to take away from this year, it would be my immense ability to stare adversities in the eye and not bow down. Honestly I never thought I had the ability to take difficult circumstances in my stride and push along with an open and optimistic mindset but this year alone has set the bar for disappointments and failures to such a higher level that I had to put in as much efforts to stop it from getting the best of me. Of course like all humans there were times when the days were the gloomiest and sadness filled the space as if dragging seconds into hours, but to my surprise I could pick myself up after falling flat on my face to the ground(not literally).
Readers I won’t talk about how important it is to manage oneself at all times because it is impossible. I tried doing that and it will just drive you mad if you try to overlook all the things that are going wrong in your life and keep your head straight towards the sun even when your neck and back are breaking. Too much of anything is never good and like that even too much of positivity and optimism leads to toxicity and unrealistic expectations from yourself that you cannot fulfil. Readers, to be able to find joy in life we must accept all our emotions, both highs and lows, and then try to manage it by persevering with a realist mindset. It’s good to have idealistic expectations but seldom do they get fulfilled realistically. It’s important to develop a rational mindset, keeping account of the possibilities and viabilities of the decisions we make so that we will have less room for disappointments and more time to actually get things under our control, even if it is little at a time.
It’s not much about the year that has gone by that I want to talk rather than wanting to talk about the age that I am leaving behind. At this age it is easier to find comfort and security in someone’s arms and give in to the usual expectations society has from a woman. While it might be comforting to some, I have realised it’s not something I am cut out to do at this point of time or even in the coming few years. I have rarely ever found satisfaction in something that was handed to me easily and maybe that is something that shouldn’t be the way it is but then that’s how I like my life. Easy is a substitute for meaningless things and people and I could never associate myself around such situations.
This year in hindsight has not been much different from the previous ones but the one thing that it definitely was that of being more difficult than I had imagined. Empathy is such an eye opening tool that lets you dive deep in the warmth and the cold the world has to offer. I have been a stern believer of differentiating things between black and white and being absolutely dismissive about the presence and importance that the greys could hold in our lives. And as life would have it, I was proven to be wrong as rightfully as it could have happened. There are so many greys we step into, sometimes deliberately and most times out of the need of a situation, that denying its existence is like denying the truth. I am not sure if I am making much sense Readers but there are times when we have to break our own presumptions and look into the deeper meanings that lie hidden in the most visible places.
As to making a list of to do to achieve in the coming year, it’s not a very exhaustive one for me. Not that I have less intention of trying and achieving but more so because I have found it less daunting when I take things one day at a time. Plans, schedules are important but nonetheless more daunting for me. So primarily the goal is to overcome the waves that are hurting our spirits and to take it all in, both the good and the bad with a never giving up attitude. I hope Readers that you will gain back the lost strength and build yourself back up to the best version of yourself in the coming year. Until then, a Merry Christmas and a very happy new year dear Readers.