A Republic in 1950

1 min readJan 25, 2022


26th of January, 1950

In times of distress,

When the eyes drooped and the chests thumped with fear,

We wrote to calm the terrified nerves of the common man,

To shelter it and protect it from the evil eyes of the foreigner.

The Golden Document came to our rescue-

Ever changing, always adapting and primarily being visionary,

It claimed to uphold the dignity of all- foremost and always,

Since they had snatched and deprived us of it for all those years.

In the spirit of celebrating a new India-

The streets and our minds alike was filled with tricolour,

To honour the brave and fallen,

To dictate the sphere of Swaraj in all junctions of our lives.

To encompass within it the ideals of many roots-

Of distinct origin, culture, language and terrain,

Is an embodiment of the indomitable spirit it carries within itself,

To voice the silenced and cause ripples in the stillness.

My fellow countrymen, look what we are capable of,

We gave to ourselves the freedom they denied us for 200 long years,

Awaken your spirits, minds and hearts to the possibilities of tomorrow,

Because we have to walk together while they watch us marching ahead fearlessly.

Happy Republic Day 2022 🇮🇳





Exploring life with one book, one place, one movie, one moment, one nap and two cups of tea at a time. Dear Reader, I simply pen down ideas that pop in my head.

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