A messy mind is a colorful one
At times it could feel like there is too much of something. Too much of joy, or too much of confidence, or too much tears to hold down, or too much love for someone. I have come to terms with myself that these emotions are short lived and recurrent. They cannot be attributed in realizing someone’s value in our lives or to what extent they exert a power over our minds. When we are drowned with such emotions, we tend to feel more and think less which leads us to act mindlessly. Sometimes it can feel that our actions do not cause any suffering if they generate a positive response from our side. But more often than not, if we get carried away with such emotions, we can hurt people with just our words that leaves an undying mark.
Have you ever been driven by one thought, or one idea, or even by one person’s opinion about you? It sounds strange to abide by the notions we have not created for ourselves rather which are thrust upon us, without even realizing if we ever need them. However, it is more common than not, to put in a good number of hours thinking over one idea, or one person, day in and day out until we have exhausted all our defense mechanisms to stop us from taking it too far. Generations of learning and unlearning has made us adaptable to expect flexibility in how life moves forward. Yet we reluctantly hold on to one self depreciating thought while we are afraid to accept change. If only we could realize timely the fragility of the existence of human beings, we would stop obsessing over “the one’’.
Keeping my biases aside, it is thoughtful to care about the needs of others and do our bit to help them be at ease with themselves. But this should never happen at the cost of our well being. A partner is expected to make amends for his/her sick spouse but is frowned upon if they find some time to breathe peacefully without worrying. The world has gripped us all with its melancholy and sadness that we forget to look beyond our sorrows in the pursuit of happiness. We are made to believe that only a certain kind fits and anything other than that is unacceptable. We are made to believe to find comfort in pain. These “righteous expectations’’ crush people’s hope. No wonder we have made our way through hell if that’s what we are served to live with everyday. Every one should be at the liberty to make their own choices about how to lead their lives without being judged or questioned. We take away the essence of freedom when we set a righteous path to heaven. Every one should find, or create, or walk their own paths and deem it right if that’s what aligns their mind with their soul unless it causes any harm.
Until next time, Readers :)