A flower to the self

Hello Readers,
Happy new year to you all.
How do you get something off your mind that’s troubling you? There are many time tested ways that surely help in the long run but momentarily how do you find an escape? Have you figured out a way already or are you someone like me who’s recently looking at things through different lenses and coming up with a varied realisations?
If I have to talk for myself, I have noticed that my peaceful escape are flowers. I can think of tons of things that I have tried to let my mind not overthink and let it relax from something that troubles me and none have worked as wonderfully as looking at a flower does for me. Whenever I sit around a flower and look at the way its petals are shaped, how its colour runs through its body, how the flies get hooked around it and how gracefully it stands and how it makes me sad when it wilts, it makes me escape my thoughts instantly. I could not bother to have any other second thoughts that could linger in my mind at that moment. It’s a very relaxing and comforting realisation because at least there is something that will come to my rescue at times when I can find none. I would advise you Readers to find that comforting escape which goes without saying that it must be non injurious to your health and which provides you that space to be with yourself at troubling times without feeling nervous or anxious. It’s a great relief even though momentarily!
So there’s not much to write about this new year except this little thing I have experienced and realised recently. I hope you discover such little happinesses that works wonders in your lives too.
Until next time, Readers❤️